A bespoke service because every family is unique…


“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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Posts tagged teething
Nappy Rash and how to treat it!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Nappy rash can be a real pain in the bottom (sorry but it had to be done!) for little one and their parents. It can affect children to varying degrees and is not pleasant for anyone involved as it can be painful and sore and cause little ones to be extremely unsettled.

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Why does my child bite?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. This is something that I get asked time and time again! Some children will go through a stage of biting, in the same way that other children go through stages of hitting or throwing. The act of biting is something that can often be really upsetting for parents, both of the child who is biting others and also for parents of the child who might get bitten.

We just wanted to take a moment to look at all of the things we are hearing from families about their experiences through the Coronavirus outbreak and what these changes might mean for us and, more importantly, our children, as we come out of it and into our ‘new normal’ - will this experience change our children forever?

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