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“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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Posts tagged going out when potty training
How to handle ‘toilet talk’ in young children: Our tips for managing ‘bathroom humour’!

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. If you know, you know! When a child hits this stage of development, they find all types of ‘toilet talk’ or ‘bathroom humour’ absolutely hilarious! Poo this, bum that, and then watching the reaction they get! It’s all fun and games at first, but for some parents, it quickly becomes tiresome, and working out how to manage it can be a real challenge.

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Potty Training when out and about

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. One of the questions we get asked a lot by parents and carers who have started potty training, is how to manage this when you want to go out. Understandably there is a huge fear of accidents galore and lots of poo and wee to contend with as a result! However, with some careful planning you don’t need to feel you can’t go out when potty training. Our tips should help…

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