Potty Training when out and about — Bespoke Family
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Potty Training when out and about

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant


One of the questions we get asked a lot by parents and carers who have started potty training, is how to manage this when you want to go out. Understandably there is a huge fear of accidents galore and lots of poo and wee to contend with as a result!

However, with some careful planning you don’t need to feel you can’t go out when potty training. These tips should help:

Before you go

  • Take a portable potty / portable loo seat / portable urinal out with you - you will be surprised (or maybe not!) at how many adults have found a portable potty useful too 😂 !!. We have some examples of these on our Amazon page .

  • When potty training and especially when going out and about, make sure that your little one is dressed in easy to pull down bottoms - avoid tights or dungarees etc.

  • Other things to take with you on outings (however short or close to home) are various changes of clothes - tops, bottoms, pants, socks etc, nappy bags to put dirty clothes (or poo..) into! Wipes, car seat protector, towels (to line the buggy / car seat).

On your way!
Try to avoid long journeys at the very start of potty training, but if you do go in the car, a car seat protector (or towel) is really useful. These protectors (or a towel) can also be used in your buggy.

When you get there
Make sure that the first thing you do is to find out where the toilet is and, if perhaps you are at a friend’s or relative’s house, put the portable potty (or your normal potty if you want to take that with you) into the loo / bathroom ready to use if they need to. Be alert to when your little one might need the loo as it is easy to get distracted when out and about, and visit the toilet at regular intervals after meals etc.

Finally…don’t get upset or despondent if your little one has an accident - clean up and move on! Hopefully these tips will help you for when you take your next trip out with your potty training pupil!

If you want more information about potty / toilet training have a look at our other Toilet Training blogs or download our step by step video guide.

We can also help with potty training at one of our parent consultations - click here for more info.

We also have a few podcast episodes on different aspects of Toilet Training - you can listen to them here: From Newborn to Teen and Everything In Between

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