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“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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Posts tagged behaviour triggers
10 ways to help tackle tricky behaviour after nursery or school

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant.  As parents and carers we can often see our little ones have a meltdown after a day at nursery or school. This is known as ‘after-school restraint collapse’ and happens when children, who have been holding it together all day, finally let out all their pent-up emotions when they return to their safe space at home or when they see you and feel safe to relax and show how they are feeling.

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How do I keep calm when my little one is having a meltdown?

By Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. When our little ones have meltdowns / tantrums / outbursts it can be extremely triggering for us. It can mean that we respond emotionally and not always in the way that we would want to. We need to be kind to ourselves and understand we are only human and that sometimes our emotions can go into overdrive and make us respond to situations in ways which we don’t expect or plan for.

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