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“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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Posts tagged dribbling

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Teething can be one of the most difficult times with the under twos.  It is horrible to see your little one uncomfortable, in pain and not understanding what is happening to them or why they are feeling like they do.  If you have ever experienced pain with wisdom teeth pushing through I am sure that you can empathise with what your little one is going through. However, some babies and toddlers can breeze through teething and you only notice when you put your finger in their mouth and get a surprise nip! 

Teething can very often be attributed to babies and toddlers being unsettled and it can sometimes feel that it is going on for months on end! Typically this is not the case though and often you will see the common symptoms 2-3 days prior to the tooth/teeth coming through.

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