Your guide to... Tweens and Teens

Your guide to... Tweens and Teens
Are you interested in understanding this stage of a tween’s / teen’s life? We will explore what they need from the adult in order for you both to have a good open relationship.
Would you like to know how best to respond to their behaviours and emotions? We will look at strategies and approaches to help you with this.
Do you feel that you are always focussing on the negatives of this age group? The webinar will go through ways of looking at the positives of this tween / teen stage, rather than always going to the negative.
If your answer to any of these questions is “yes” then ‘Your guide to Tweens & Teens’ is exactly what you need!
When you purchase your guide, you will receive a link and password to a 1.5 hour video where Claire will take you step-by-step through everything you need to know about tweens and teens!
You will also receive a detailed factsheet, designed to be read alongside the video, which includes links for useful resources and suggestions for further reading. You will need a smart phone or computer to view the PDF factsheet and this will need to be downloaded within 24 hours of making your purchase.