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“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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Posts in Toilet Training
Why won’t my child do a poo on the toilet or potty?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. This is one of the most common questions that I get asked in relation to toilet training. The process of learning to use the potty or toilet is individual to each child, some seem to take a couple of days and others might take that little bit longer to master it…often doing a poo is what holds them back.

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Constipation in babies, toddlers and older children…what can you do to help?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. *If your child is constipated it is important to get this checked out by your GP to ascertain what might be causing this and then looking at what needs to happen next. If it is put down to constipation because of normal reasons like diet, fluids etc then some of the points below should be of some help!

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Toilet Training

Written for SR Nutrition by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant.

Toilet training is the one thing that all parents want to get sorted out as quickly as possible – just think, no more nappies to change! However, all children are different and will do things when they are developmentally ready. Most children are ready to be toilet trained around 2-3 years old (some may be earlier and some later), but an important thing to say is not to start toilet training just because other people think you should, you know your child the best, so trust your instincts and start toilet training when you feel your child is ready.

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