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“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children" – Nelson Mandela



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Posts tagged united front
When to tell the children about your divorce

Written by the experts at Wayman & Long Solicitors. As parents, we go above and beyond to ensure our children are happy regardless of what we might be going through as an individual or as a couple. Unfortunately, going through a divorce is an emotionally complex and daunting process that can be increasingly difficult when there are children involved.

Despite knowing that divorce is the right thing for your family in the long run, there is a fear of hurting your children in the process. Thankfully, there are ways you can make the process easier for your children, starting with telling them in the right way, at the right time.

In this blog, we are going to share our advice for when to tell your children about the divorce. We will also share additional tips that may make the process a little easier.

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How do you make co-parenting work?

Written by Claire Burgess, Family Consultant. Co-parenting or shared parenting are terms used when two people who have been in a relationship, have had children together but then separated. The important thing to remember about co-parenting is that you don’t stop being a parent, you just stop being in a relationship with the person that you have had children with. You both still have a responsibility to your children to provide them with a stable and secure environment in which they can grow and develop.

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