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Successful Naps

Our top tips

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Create a consistent routine

Establish a regular nap schedule to help your child understand when it's time to sleep. Having a pre-nap routine (nappy change, dark/dimly lit room, sleeping bag, story, white noise (if you use this), lullaby etc) will help with wind down and helping your little one to know that it is time for sleep. Having similar timings each day for the naps will help set your little one’s body clock and they will then start to get ready for their nap around the same time each day. 


Watch for sleep cues

Look out for signs of tiredness, such as rubbing eyes, turning away from stimulation, staring, pulling at ears, getting fractious or yawning, and act quickly on these to start naptime.


A sleep-friendly environment

Follow all the same rules as you have established when putting baby to bed at night. If your little one is struggling with sleep in the day, try to darken the room they are in and, as per point 1, use sleep associations such as putting them in their sleeping bag as you would if settling to bed at night. Consider using white noise to block out any disturbances (although we can’t guarantee it will block out the doorbell!).


Help with sleep transitions

If your baby regularly wakes after 30 minutes you may want to look at helping them to transition to their next stage of sleep. Go in at around the 20-25 minute mark, put your hand on their tummy or back and gently “shhh”. If you start to see them stirring this will hopefully help to transition them through to their next sleep cycle. However, there may be times when your little one will only have 30 mins nap and there is no resettling them. That’s ok, just continue with your day and perhaps adjust the next nap timings if you see that they are getting tired earlier.


Timing is key

Ensure naps aren’t too late in the day or too long to avoid interfering with night time sleep. Aim for an age-appropriate nap schedule that suits your child’s needs.


Gradually adjust naps when necessary

If your child is struggling to fall asleep at night, awake for periods of time in the night or regularly waking early in the morning, it might be time to adjust the timings, length or number of naps they have during the day. When your child is ready to drop a nap, do so gradually. Watch for signs they’re ready, such as resisting naps or staying awake longer between them. More information on dropping naps can be found in our blog here – Dropping Naps.


Encourage independent sleep

Help your child learn to fall asleep on their own by placing them in their cot while awake. This helps them to learn to settle to sleep knowing where they are and will also help to extend the time they nap.


Avoid “Nap Traps”

Look at your week and work out how naps will fit in. Try to see the positives of being ‘nap trapped’ and do something for yourself (have a hot cup of tea for example!). Get people to come to you rather than always needing to go out. Remember it’s not always possible to do all naps in the cot / crib and that’s OK! More information on this can be found in our blog I don’t want to be ‘nap-trapped’!



Typical nap schedules

This is what typical nap schedules look like according to age (this is average as of course not all babies and children are the same)


Typically babies have 3 naps (morning, afternoon and late afternoon) 

Between 6–8 MONTHS 

Babies tend to drop the last nap of the day moving to 2 naps per day (morning and afternoon)

8–12 MONTHS 

Typically babies continue having 2 naps (morning and afternoon)

Between 12–18 MONTHS 

Babies might be ready to drop down to 1 nap per day (afternoon) 

2.5–3.5 YEARS 

Toddlers can be looking to drop naps altogether

(Please remember that this is a rough guide and it is important to be guided by your child and their needs at the time.)



Need More Help?

For personalised help and advice, consider our Parent Consultations or check out our Guide to Sleep for information comprehensive support tailored to your family’s needs.

Related Blogs

Sleep Like a Baby

How Can I Get My Baby/Toddler to Nap for Longer

Nap Trapped

Dropping Naps

Also, check out our Podcast Episodes on naps and sleep for more information!