Bespoke Family

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The Child's World Webinar 21 July 2020

“The webinar has provided me with fresh inspiration on how to adapt my charges’ routines and how to encourage them to be more independent and resilient whilst still being around to continue providing a safe space for them at home. They have some major changes coming up in September and I now feel better equipped to handle the emotional outbursts we have coming our way!”

“I really enjoyed the part about the 5 languages of love. This was new for me but is very relatable and made a lot of sense. I also found it extremely useful as my charges are 10, 8 and 5 and the webinar covered a lot of areas which apply to all 3 of my charges. Thank you for a great webinar! I will definitely be joining again and recommending to others.”

“Thank you again for running this webinar- it has been so useful and learning about this age group has given me confidence to deal with issues that may arise! Claire’s delivery of the content is so engaging and I’m so happy to have booked on to this session!”

“Thankyou so much for this evening so informative and lots to go away and think about. I’m looking forward to re-reading the slides and sharing with my husband so we’re on the same page when it comes dealing with any issues as they arise.”

For information about ‘Your guide to the child’s world’ click here!